07854 044680 (9am-5pm 7 days a week) 01603 927717 (Shop Hours Only) dawnsnewhorizon@yahoo.com
If you would like to volunteer at Dawn’s New Horizon and help provide support then please get in contact with us.
Dawn's New Horizon
12 Corbet Avenue, Norwich
Email: dawnsnewhorizon@yahoo.com
Shop: 01603 927717 (Opening hours only)
Mobile: 07854 044680 (9am-5pm 7 days a week)
Dawn’s New Horizon would like to thank you for your interest in volunteering with us.
Dawn's New Horizon
12 Corbet Avenue, Norwich
Mobile: 07854 044680 (9am-5pm)
Shop: 01603 927717 (Shop hours)
Email: dawnsnewhorizon@yahoo.com
Founder/Chief Executive Director: Lorraine Curston
Treasurer: Maureen Clarke
If you would like to make a donation, then please click here for more details
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