07854 044680 (9am-5pm 7 days a week) 01603 927717 (Shop Hours Only) dawnsnewhorizon@yahoo.com

About Dawn’s New Horizon


Dawn’s New Horizon Charity Number: 1196950

Founded by Lorraine Curston and supported by a Board of Trustees and Partners, Dawn’s New Horizon (DNH) is a non-profit making domestic abuse support organisation, providing help and support services to men and women in the Broadland District area of Norwich, over the phone or face to face.

DNH helps people who have experienced domestic or sexual abuse, providing them with information and support so they can take back control of their lives. All services are 100% confidential. 

Lorraine Curston (CEO)
In the course of rebuilding her life after years of abuse by her ex-husband, Lorraine noticed a real lack of local help and support for those experiencing domestic abuse that was funded and could be accessed easily. Lorraine wanted to change this and decided to start her own domestic violence support group. Lorraine is the driving force of the organisation and responsible for all of the services delivered by DNH.

Paul Disdle (Chair)
Paul is leading the ongoing governance of the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), which is the newest structure for charities under the UK’s Charities Commission. Paul has a background in management systems and Environmental, Health and Safety all skills that will help the DNH as it continues to grow. 

Michelle Garrod (Treasurer)
As with governance, the greater demands on services and funding has required additional demands on the financial control of the organisation. As a qualified accountant, previously working within the charity sector, current business owner and long-time supporter of DNH, Michelle provides the leadership and financial assurance for funders and the long-term financial resilience of DNH.

Our services are FUNDED BY DONATIONS and include:

  • ACT Therapy, counselling & coaching
  • Haircuts and make-overs
  • Household items to start up home
  • Accompanying to hospital, police, doctors, solicitors
  • Safety planning advice
  • Help with rehabilitation
  • Help completing forms
  • Signposting to other agencies
  • Providing a listening ear.



Dawn’s New Horizon Shop
Lorraine opened the Dawn’s New Horizon (DNH) Shop on Cannerby Lane, Sprowston in 2012 to raise awareness of domestic violence and to support those affected by it in the Broadland district of Norwich. The shop is an Aladdin’s Cave of treasures including books, clothing, jigsaws and children’s toys, as well as a range of household items. To allow DNH to continue to grow the Shop relocated in 2024 to form the DNH hub.


DNH and partners offer a range of well-being services including an advice and information service about domestic abuse support on a drop-in basis, as well as ACT Therapy, counselling and coaching by appointment. Haircuts, clothing and household items to set up home are also available for those in need.


There is always someone available to talk to in the shop. As well as supporting those experiencing domestic abuse, the DNH Shop has become a hub for the local Sprowston community with customers of all ages regularly popping in to buy items, or just for a chat.

Opening Hours
09:00 – 16:00 Monday
09:00 – 16:00 Tuesday
09:00 – 16:00 Wednesday
09:00 – 16:00 Thursday
09:00 – 16:00 Friday
10:00 – 16:00 Saturday

ACT Therapy & Coaching

DNH offers access to ACT Therapy and coaching for those who have moved on from domestic abuse on a practical level, but are finding it difficult to move on with their thoughts and feelings. This support takes the form of either 6 x one to one sessions or a series of group workshops and is funded by Dawn’s New Horizon. Please contact us if this is something you feel would benefit you.

Dawn’s New Horizon Partners
Aspire Hair Salon providing haircuts
Reedsafe providing electrical P.A.T. testing

Dawn’s New Horizon Supporters
Persimmon Homes Anglia Community Champions – April 2021 Award
M Crane Security providing CCTV for the DNH shop
C Signs & Graphics providing signs for the DNH shop and van
Tesco Harford Bridge Superstore, Norwich

Photo gallery

DNH Van pic

Exit Links

Contact Us

Dawn's New Horizon
12 Corbet Avenue, Norwich
Mobile: 07854 044680 (9am-5pm)
Shop: 01603 927717 (Shop hours)

Like us on Facebook

Management Committee

Founder/Chief Executive Director: Lorraine Curston
Treasurer: Michelle Garrod

Charity Number



If you would like to make a donation, then please click here for more details

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